Produced by Joe Henry
Dorado – a golden treasure of desert-inspired tracks produced by the critically acclaimed songwriter and producer, Joe Henry. The album will debut internationally on February 17th, 2017 with a dual release by Fluff & Gravy (CDs and Vinyl) and Mint 400 (Digital Distribution).
“Dorado was recorded quickly over just a few days, and it had to be. The songs as deft pieces of writing had already been well considered, but their articulation needed to be urgent for the mystery at the hear of them to spark and fizz with real-time revelation... Georg and Heike, the husband and wife duo from Austria who are lock-and-key to Son Of The Velvet Rat – both closing the circle of their shared intention, and springing it open – seem invariably to embody the purest constructs of Americana, all the while scrolling beneath with an outsider’s commentary – like subtitles to The Last Movie; like an actor’s dubbed voice-over running slightly ahead of the action and giving away the story.”
Joe Henry, Producer
Dorado, Gatefold, Vinyl / US Import
Gatefold, Black Vinyl, US Import
1. Carry On, 2. Copper Hill, 3. Blood Red Shoes, 4. Love's the Devils Foe, 5. Shadow Song,
1. Surfer Joe, 2. Starlite Motel, 3. Sweet Angela, 4. Tiger Honey, 5. Franklin Avenue